4 comments on “Behavior-Driven Angular – Part 2: Inserting REST Data as „innerHTML“ into a Web Application”

Behavior-Driven Angular – Part 2: Inserting REST Data as „innerHTML“ into a Web Application

Today, we will extend the behavior-driven development example of the previous blog post and add the blog content to the document. Like last time, we will retrieve the HTML content from the WordPress API. Sounds easy, right? We will see that…

8 comments on “Behavior-Driven Angular – part 1: Consuming a RESTful Web Service with Angular 4”

Behavior-Driven Angular – part 1: Consuming a RESTful Web Service with Angular 4

In this step-by-step tutorial, we will follow a behavior-driven development approach to create an Angular 4 application from Angular CLI. The hello-world-like application will consume the WordPress REST API and it will display a blog post title. We will create…