In this blog post, we will explore how to start and access a Linux Docker image with a graphical desktop and access it remotely using VNC. In the course of the blog post, we will search for an appropriate Docker…
AWS Automation based on Vagrant — Part 3: Creating a Docker Host on AWS in 10 Minutes using Vagrant
Learn how Vagrant can be used to perform more sophisticated provisioning tasks than creation and termination of virtual machines. From our local Vagrant console, we will install Docker host Software and we will verify the results by downloading and testing the Python Docker image.
AWS Automation based on Vagrant — Part 1: Getting started with AWS
In this blog post series we will explore, how to automate Amazon Web Services (AWS) by using Vagrant. The series is divided into three parts. Readers that are interested in the automation part only can skip part 1 (the AWS…
AWS Automation based on Vagrant — Part 2: Installation and Usage of the Vagrant AWS Plugin
Learn how to get started with Amazon Web Services EC2 and how to automate simple task like creation and termination of virtual machine instances using Vagrant. This is a first step towards more sophisticated automation tasks like SW installation and shell script execution.