This is part 2 of a series on Kubernetes a la minikube. Minikube is (probably) the easiest way of installing a small Kubernetes system including a graphical user interface. In part 1 we have shown how to install such a system on a fresh CentOS Linux system. In this part, we will create our first Hello World Kubernetes Service accessible from the Internet.
For that, we will create a kubernetes deployment, which automatically creates a POD with a single Docker container. Then, we create a Kubernetes Service of type NodePort, which is accessible from the outside world.
In the appendix, we will show, how to tweak the automatically generated kubernetes dashboard service, so we can reach it from the Internet.
Within this blog post, we will work on minikube installed on a fresh CentOS cloud system we have installed in part 1 of this series.
Step 0: Get Access to a Minishift Installation
One way of achieving this step is to follow steps 1 to 4 of part 1 of this series. However, there are other possibilities to get access to Kubernetes systems as well. For example, you may want to access a Minishift installation as provided by Ben Hall on his Katacoda platform. Check out e.g. the tutorial „Launch A Single Node Cluster„.
Step 1 (optional): Explore the Status
To get acquainted with your minikube installation, you may repeat step 5 of part 1 of this series and run the commands
kubectl version kubectl cluster-info kubectl get nodes
Step 2: Create an Application: Deployment vs POD
In Kubernetes, there are, among others, two ways of creating application containers:
- creating POD directly
- creating POD via deployments (recommended)
Step 2.1: Creating a POD directly
Even though it is not recommended for most cases (see a discussion of this topic on StackOverflow) we can create a POD directly like follows:
Create a single POD:
cat <<EOF | kubectl create -f - apiVersion: v1 kind: Pod metadata: name: nginx spec: containers: - name: nginx image: nginx EOF
This will create a pod as expected:
# kubectl get pods NAME READY STATUS RESTARTS AGE nginx 1/1 Running 1 24m
Note that it is not possible to create a POD with a kubectl create pod command (crossed out for not confusing the quick reader). Above, we had to create it by reading in a YAML file instead.
kubectl create pod mypod --image=nginx
Note also that the POD is restarted, if a container process is killed:
# ps -ef | grep nginx | grep -v grep root 30466 30450 0 22:13 ? 00:00:00 nginx: master process nginx -g daemon off; 101 31744 30466 0 22:16 ? 00:00:00 nginx: worker process # kill -9 31744 30466 # ps -ef | grep nginx root 31950 31934 0 22:17 ? 00:00:00 nginx: master process nginx -g daemon off; 101 31965 31950 0 22:17 ? 00:00:00 nginx: worker process
In that sense, the POD we have created directly seems to be durable, even though the discussions below may hint into another direction: they say that only a deployment will restart a POD if it fails. Since we only have a single node cluster, we cannot test, whether a POD is created on another node, if a node fails.
Step 2.2: Creating a POD via a Deployment (recommended)
The recommended way of creating a POD is to create a deployment. Why? What is the difference between creating a deployment and creating a pod? What is a deployment, anyway? For an answer to that, let us consult google:
What is a kubernetes deployment?Google: A Deployment runs multiple replicas of your application and automatically replaces any instances that fail or become unresponsive. In this way, Deployments help ensure that one or more instances of your application are available to serve user requests. Deployments are managed by the Kubernetes Deployment controller.
Okay, when we create a deployment and tell the deployment to create 5 replicas of a POD, this is different from just creating 5 replicas of a POD, because a deployment will restart PODs that have failed. Let us test this.
Most tutorials do that with commands as follows:
kubectl run first-deployment --image=katacoda/docker-http-server --port=80 ### output: kubectl run --generator=deployment/apps.v1beta1 is DEPRECATED and will be removed in a future version. Use kubectl create instead. deployment.apps/first-deployment created
However, as there is a hint that this kind of commands is deprecated, let us create the deployment differently:
If you have done so, and you want to test the recommended way, let us delete the deployment again:
kubectl delete deployment first-deployment
Now we can create the deployment in the recommended way:
cat <<EOF | kubectl create -f - apiVersion: extensions/v1beta1 kind: Deployment metadata: annotations: "1" creationTimestamp: 2018-11-19T21:55:59Z generation: 1 labels: run: first-deployment name: first-deployment namespace: default resourceVersion: "300379" selfLink: /apis/extensions/v1beta1/namespaces/default/deployments/first-deployment spec: progressDeadlineSeconds: 600 replicas: 1 revisionHistoryLimit: 2 selector: matchLabels: run: first-deployment strategy: rollingUpdate: maxSurge: 25% maxUnavailable: 25% type: RollingUpdate template: metadata: creationTimestamp: null labels: run: first-deployment spec: containers: - image: katacoda/docker-http-server imagePullPolicy: Always name: first-deployment ports: - containerPort: 80 protocol: TCP resources: {} terminationMessagePath: /dev/termination-log terminationMessagePolicy: File dnsPolicy: ClusterFirst restartPolicy: Always schedulerName: default-scheduler securityContext: {} terminationGracePeriodSeconds: 30 EOF # output: # deployment.extensions/first-deployment created
To be honest, I have liked the kubectl run command more…
The reason for the depreciation is discussed in this StackOverflow Q&A.
Step 3 (optional): Explore Docker processes, PODs, and Services
This is creating two docker containers: a „pause“ container per POD and the service container in the POD:
# docker ps | grep "^CONTAINER\|deployment" CONTAINER ID IMAGE COMMAND CREATED STATUS PORTS NAMES af733dc6244c katacoda/docker-http-server "/app" 18 hours ago Up 18 hours k8s_first-deployment_first-deployment-59f6bb4956-fqrhd_default_b17c0c0c-e9ee-11e8-bccd-9600001441cb_0 bd1e5b869266 "/pause" 18 hours ago Up 18 hours k8s_POD_first-deployment-59f6bb4956-fqrhd_default_b17c0c0c-e9ee-11e8-bccd-9600001441cb_0
This is quite similar to what is created with the ‚oc new-app‘ command on an OpenShift installation. See e.g. our blog post Getting started with OpenShift. But not quite: here, the service has not yet been created, as can be seen below.
We can see, that no service is created by deployment:
# kubectl get svc NAME TYPE CLUSTER-IP EXTERNAL-IP PORT(S) AGE kubernetes ClusterIP 443/TCP 4h
However, we will find that a POD is created:
# kubectl get pod NAME READY STATUS RESTARTS AGE first-deployment-59f6bb4956-fqrhd 1/1 Running 0 17h
To see the services or pods of all namespaces, you also can use the –all-namespaces option:
# kubectl get pod --all-namespaces NAMESPACE NAME READY STATUS RESTARTS AGE default first-deployment-59f6bb4956-fqrhd 1/1 Running 0 18h kube-system coredns-c4cffd6dc-r8vg4 1/1 Running 0 22h kube-system etcd-minikube 1/1 Running 0 20h kube-system kube-addon-manager-minikube 1/1 Running 1 22h kube-system kube-apiserver-minikube 1/1 Running 0 20h kube-system kube-controller-manager-minikube 1/1 Running 0 20h kube-system kube-dns-86f4d74b45-gghfb 3/3 Running 0 22h kube-system kube-proxy-fhls5 1/1 Running 0 20h kube-system kube-scheduler-minikube 1/1 Running 0 22h kube-system kubernetes-dashboard-6f4cfc5d87-tnl6r 1/1 Running 0 22h kube-system storage-provisioner 1/1 Running 0 22h
# kubectl get svc --all-namespaces NAMESPACE NAME TYPE CLUSTER-IP EXTERNAL-IP PORT(S) AGE default kubernetes ClusterIP 443/TCP 22h kube-system kube-dns ClusterIP 53/UDP,53/TCP 22h kube-system kubernetes-dashboard ClusterIP 80/TCP 22h
Here, we can see, that minikube has started a kubernetes dashboard and a DNS server in the kube-system namespace.
We can get even more details on the POD by using the describe command:
# kubectl describe pod first-deployment-59f6bb4956-fqrhd Name: first-deployment-59f6bb4956-fqrhd Namespace: default Node: minikube/ Start Time: Fri, 16 Nov 2018 23:26:42 +0100 Labels: pod-template-hash=1592660512 run=first-deployment Annotations: Status: Running IP: Controlled By: ReplicaSet/first-deployment-59f6bb4956 Containers: first-deployment: Container ID: docker://af733dc6244ca05866d664729552a3db4070e8988337687e8a68948b72235a31 Image: katacoda/docker-http-server Image ID: docker-pullable://katacoda/docker-http-server@sha256:76dc8a47fd019f80f2a3163aba789faf55b41b2fb06397653610c754cb12d3ee Port: 80/TCP Host Port: 0/TCP State: Running Started: Fri, 16 Nov 2018 23:26:45 +0100 Ready: True Restart Count: 0 Environment: Mounts: /var/run/secrets/ from default-token-lj5jx (ro) Conditions: Type Status Initialized True Ready True PodScheduled True Volumes: default-token-lj5jx: Type: Secret (a volume populated by a Secret) SecretName: default-token-lj5jx Optional: false QoS Class: BestEffort Node-Selectors: Tolerations: for 300s for 300s Events:
Even though the service is not yet exposed, we still can reach it from the Docker host: The Container IP address is, as we can read it from the output of the kubectl describe pod command above. The service is running on port 80. So, let us try to access the POD:
# curl <h1>This request was processed by host: first-deployment-59f6bb4956-fqrhd</h1>
Note, however, that the POD IP address is a private address that is not accessible from the outside world. In the next step, we will make sure that the service can be reached from the Internet as well.
Step 4: Expose the Service
Now, we want to expose the service to the outside world. Kubernetes knows three ways of doing this:
- exposing via ClusterIP:
reachable internally, only - exposing via NodePorts:
reachable internally and externally - exposing via LoadBalancers:
means of configuring cloud load balancers by way of labels See e.g. for details on Kubernetes Load Balancer interaction.
The ClusterIP way is the default, but it is reachable from within the kubernetes network only. On the other hand, the LoadBalancer option works only in certain cloud environments. Therefore, we choose to expose the service via NodePort. This way, we can make the service reachable from the Internet and still need no external load balancers.
Let us now demonstrate the NodePorts ways of exposing a service.
Step 4.1: Exposing the Service via NodePorts
If the Node the service is running on has a publicly available IP address (mapped or not), we can access the service by exposing the deployment to a node port as follows:
kubectl expose deployment first-deployment --port=80 --type=NodePort
Since we have not added an option like --target-port=<static-port>
, the port is allocated dynamically. Therefore, we decide to retrieve the port value from via kubectl as follows:
export PORT=$(kubectl get svc first-deployment -o go-template='{{range.spec.ports}}{{if .nodePort}}{{.nodePort}}{{"\n"}}{{end}}{{end}}')
We need that information to access the service via curl:
# curl$PORT <h1>This request was processed by host: first-deployment-59f6bb4956-fqrhd</h1>
Since our Docker host is accessible from the Internet, we also can retrieve the same information from any browser on the Internet:
Okay, the random port is not nice. On the other hand, we cannot run all containers on the same well-known ports like port 80 (HTTP) or port 443 (HTTPS) by specifying the same target ports on the expose commands. This issue is something that can only be resolved with the help of a reverse proxy or an HTTP load balancer, which is out of scope for this blog post.
In this blog post, we have learned how to create, run, and access applications in a Kubernetes environment. For that, we have created Kubernetes PODs, Deployments and Services. We have learned that Deployments help with the management of PODs. E.g. they restart PODs if they fail.
Appendix: Make Kubernetes Dashboard available to the Internet
In part 1 of this series, we have accessed the Kubernetes Dashboard via an SSH tunnel. From a security perspective, this is a good solution, since you do not want the Internet to get access to your Kubernetes cluster.
However, for learning purposes, it is a good exercise to modify the kubernetes-dashboard service in a way that it is exposed to the Internet as well.
Let us explore the kubernetes-dashboard service as it comes with the minikube installation:
# kubectl get service kubernetes-dashboard -n=kube-system NAME TYPE CLUSTER-IP EXTERNAL-IP PORT(S) AGE kubernetes-dashboard ClusterIP 80/TCP 4d
As pointed out in part 1 of this series, services of type ClusterIP are reachable Kubernetes-Cluster internal only. We just had tricked us a way into the cluster by creating an SSH tunnel to a cluster node.
Now, we have the task to change the type from ClusterIP to NodePort, so we can reach the service from the Internet. For that, we just edit the service as follows:
# kubectl edit service kubernetes-dashboard -n=kube-system
This will open an editor, and we can change the YAML file as shown below:
# kubectl get service kubernetes-dashboard -n=kube-system -o yaml apiVersion: v1 kind: Service metadata: annotations: | {"apiVersion":"v1","kind":"Service","metadata":{"annotations":{},"labels":{"":"Reconcile","app":"kubernetes-dashboard","":"dashboard","":"dashboard"},"name":"kubernetes-dashboard","namespace":"kube-system"},"spec":{"ports":[{"port":80,"targetPort":9090}],"selector":{"app":"kubernetes-dashboard"}}} creationTimestamp: 2018-11-16T18:02:31Z labels: Reconcile app: kubernetes-dashboard dashboard dashboard name: kubernetes-dashboard namespace: kube-system resourceVersion: "391246" selfLink: /api/v1/namespaces/kube-system/services/kubernetes-dashboard uid: c9832a94-e9c9-11e8-bdae-9600001441cb spec: clusterIP: externalTrafficPolicy: Cluster ports: - port: 80 protocol: TCP targetPort: 9090 nodePort: 30000 <----- add this line (optional) selector: app: kubernetes-dashboard sessionAffinity: None type: NodePort <----- change from ClusterIP to NodePort status: loadBalancer: {}
Note: the nodePort assignment (to 30000 in our case) is optional. You also can let the system allocate a dynamic port. If you have done so, you can retreive the port like we have shown in step 4.1 above:
export PORT=$(kubectl get svc kubernetes-dashboard -n=kube-system -o go-template='{{range.spec.ports}}{{if
After saving, the type of the service is changed and we can see the specified NodePort 30000:
# kubectl get service kubernetes-dashboard -n=kube-system NAME TYPE CLUSTER-IP EXTERNAL-IP PORT(S) AGE kubernetes-dashboard NodePort 80:30000/TCP 4d
Note: we also can review the current details of the service in a convenient way with the
-o yaml
option:# kubectl get service kubernetes-dashboard -n=kube-system -o yaml apiVersion: v1 kind: Service ...
After having changed the service from type=ClusterIP to type=NodePort, we can access the service from outside:
Different from the screenshot at the beginning of this section, we can access the service directly on the public IP address:
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