7 comments on “Jenkins Part 3.1: periodic vs triggered Builds”

Jenkins Part 3.1: periodic vs triggered Builds

Today, we will make sure that Jenkins will detect a code change in the software repository without manual intervention. We will show two methods to do so: Periodic Builds via Schedulers: Jenkins periodically asks the software repository for any code changes…

69 comments on “Getting Started with Mesos Resource Reservation & Marathon Watchdog – A „Hello World“ Example”

Getting Started with Mesos Resource Reservation & Marathon Watchdog – A „Hello World“ Example

Today, we will introduce Apache Mesos, an open source distributed computing system with the target to allow applications to run on a computer cluster as if it was running on a single computer. On top of a Mesos cluster, we…

5 comments on “Jenkins Part 2: automated Code Download and Build (Gradle + Maven)”

Jenkins Part 2: automated Code Download and Build (Gradle + Maven)

NEW (2017-01-02): you now can immediately start with part 2 (this post) without going through the steps of part 1. A corresponding pre-installed Docker image is provided. NEW (2017-01-05): I have added the Maven build path with a fat executable…

10 comments on “Jenkins Part 1: Installation the Docker Way”

Jenkins Part 1: Installation the Docker Way

In this blog post, we will deploy and get started with Jenkins, the most popular open source tool for Continuous Integration and Continuous Deployment. As a modern way of installing, we install a Docker host and deploy a Jenkins Docker…