1 comment on “How to Install OpenShift on Fedora – a Quick Installation Guide”

How to Install OpenShift on Fedora – a Quick Installation Guide

Are you reviewing Docker orchestration systems like Kubernetes, DC/OS or OpenShift? In this blog post, let us learn how to install a standalone OpenShift Origin system on Fedora. OpenShift Installation on Fedora is a tough nut. As an example, read this…

3 comments on “How to get rid of nested Subscriptions using RxJS flatMap and switchMap”

How to get rid of nested Subscriptions using RxJS flatMap and switchMap

"Nested subscriptions are bad programming style". That is, what many programmers tell us. But: how can we get rid of nested subscriptions? In this little step-by-step tutorial, we will demonstrate how to use flatMap to improve an Angular 6 based REST…