You will find here step by step instructions on how to install an ingress controller on a Kubernetes multi-node cluster with an example application on both, HTTP and HTTPS.

In our last blog post, we have installed a Kubernetes Ingress controller on a minikube system. Minikube is restricted to single node clusters, though. This time, we will show how to install the ingress controller on a multi-node Kubernetes cluster.

At the end of the session, the architecture looks as follows:

HTTPS access via Kubernetes Ingress Controller on a two Node Cluster

An ingress controller will run on each node of the Kubernetes cluster. See more details on the architecture in the Summary section at the end of this blog post.


We have installed Kubernetes via kubeadm by following the blog post Kubernetes (3) – Installing a Kubernetes Cluster with kubeadm.


Step 1: Install GIT

If you have started from scratch on a fresh CentOS system, as I did, you might need to install GIT first. On CentOS, we can install a rather new version of GIT as follows:

yum install -y
yum install -y git
git --version

Step 2: Clone Kubernetes Ingress Installation Scripts

We make use of the installation scripts we find on Github on /kubernetes-ingress.

git clone \
  && cd kubernetes-ingress

Step 3: Create Namespace and Service Account

We now create a separate namespace for the ingress controller:

# kubectl apply -f deployments/common/ns-and-sa.yaml
namespace/nginx-ingress created
serviceaccount/nginx-ingress created

As seen below, the namespace and the service account are both called ’nginx-ingress‘:

# cat deployments/common/ns-and-sa.yaml
apiVersion: v1
kind: Namespace
  name: nginx-ingress 
apiVersion: v1
kind: ServiceAccount
  name: nginx-ingress 
  namespace: nginx-ingress

Step 3: Create your own Default Certificate

Step 3.0: Why not using the pre-installed Certificate?

Currently, /kubernetes-ingress offers to use a pre-configured default certificate with the following command (it is not recommended, though):

# kubectl apply -f deployments/common/default-server-secret.yaml 
secret/default-server-secret created

However, even if you were Okay to use such a public secret key for a test installation, be aware that it does not work the way expected: the purpose of the default certificate is to show the user with a ‚404 Not Found‚ if the user tries to access an unknown URL:

404 Not Found on HTTPS

However, we have found that the pre-installed certificate has an invalid signature: therefore, browsers reject to display the 404 Not found message. Instead, you get a message that the certificate is invalid. The browser does not offer a way to display the message nevertheless.

NET::ERR_CERT_INVALID shown in the browser

Use the simple method above only, if

  • this is a test installation and
  • if you are Okay with using a secret key that is known to the Internet community (!)
  • and you accept that you get a NET::ERR_CERT_INVALID  message instead of the expected ‚404 Not Found‚ message when you enter a subdomain that is not known to the ingress controller

If so, you can use the simple command above and go on with Step 4. In all other situations, we recommend to go on with step 3.1.

Step 3.1: Create your own Certificate and Key

Instead of using the –very insecure– default certificate above (note: the private key is exposed to the Internet!), we install our own self-signed wildcard certificate very much as we have done on our last blog post Kubernetes (6) – HTTPS on Minikube.

We just need to replace some minikube commands which are not available on a multi-node Kubernetes cluster.

For the current phase, it is sufficient to create a self-signed key and certificate like follows:

cd ../example-com-tls/
openssl req -x509 -newkey rsa:4096 -sha256 -nodes -keyout tls_self.key -out tls_self.crt -subj "/CN=*.${DOMAIN}" -days 365

Here, we have chosen to create a self-signed certificate with wildcard domain “/CN=*.${DOMAIN}”. This helps us later to re-use the certificate for more than one application.

You might need to replace the DOMAIN to match you needs. Howerver, for testig purposes, will work, even if we will need to creat /etc/hosts entries in the web client machine to map this domain to the IP addresses of your Kubernetes cluster nodes.

The output of the above commands will look as follows:

Generating a 4096 bit RSA private key
writing new private key to 'tls_self.key'

Step 3.2: Create Kubernetes Secret

For the case, you had created the secret with the insecure method of Step 3.0, let us delete the secret:

# kubectl delete secret default-server-secret -n nginx-ingress
secret "default-server-secret" deleted

As a replacement, we create a generic secret with the same name as follows:

# kubectl create secret generic --type=Opaque default-server-secret --from-file=tls.crt=tls_self.crt --from-file=tls.key=tls_self.key -n nginx-ingress
secret/default-server-secret created

With that, we have created a secret with a valid certificate and key.

Step 4: Create a Config Map

Some parameters of the ingress controller are best to be configured via a config map. See below a recommended config map:

# cd <path to kubernetes-ingress GIT repo>     # e.g. cd ../kubernetes-ingress/
# cat deployments/common/nginx-config.yaml
kind: ConfigMap
apiVersion: v1
  name: nginx-config
  namespace: nginx-ingress
  proxy-connect-timeout: "60s"
  proxy-read-timeout: "60s"
  client-max-body-size: "1m"

Here, we have chosen the default values found in a table in this document, so we also could leave out the last three lines and use an empty data body.

Here, I had forgotten to apply the config map. Let us apply it now:

# kubectl apply -f deployments/common/nginx-config.yaml

Step 5: Configure RBAC

We had installed kubernetes via kubeadm and per default, role-based access control (RBAC) is enabled. Therefore, we need to add a ClusterRole and a ClusterRoleBinding for our nginx-ingress service account. The configuration we will apply can be reviewed with a cat command:

# cat deployments/rbac/rbac.yaml
kind: ClusterRole
  name: nginx-ingress
- apiGroups:
  - ""
  - services
  - endpoints
  - get
  - list
  - watch
- apiGroups:
  - ""
  - secrets
  - get
  - list
  - watch
- apiGroups:
  - ""
  - configmaps
  - get
  - list
  - watch
  - update
  - create
- apiGroups:
  - ""
  - pods
  - list
- apiGroups:
  - ""
  - events
  - create
  - patch
- apiGroups:
  - extensions
  - ingresses
  - list
  - watch
  - get
- apiGroups:
  - "extensions"
  - ingresses/status
  - update
kind: ClusterRoleBinding
  name: nginx-ingress
- kind: ServiceAccount
  name: nginx-ingress
  namespace: nginx-ingress
  kind: ClusterRole
  name: nginx-ingress

Now let us create the ClusterRole and the ClusterRoleBinding:

# kubectl apply -f deployments/rbac/rbac.yaml created created

Step 6: Deploy the Ingress Controller

For deploying the Ingress Controller on each of the cluster machines, we can deploy it as a DaemonSet. We first review the configuration again:

# cat deployments/daemon-set/nginx-ingress.yaml
apiVersion: extensions/v1beta1
kind: DaemonSet
  name: nginx-ingress
  namespace: nginx-ingress
      app: nginx-ingress
        app: nginx-ingress
      serviceAccountName: nginx-ingress
      - image: nginx/nginx-ingress:edge
        imagePullPolicy: Always
        name: nginx-ingress
        - name: http
          containerPort: 80
          hostPort: 80
        - name: https
          containerPort: 443
          hostPort: 443
        - name: POD_NAMESPACE
              fieldPath: metadata.namespace
        - name: POD_NAME
          - -nginx-configmaps=$(POD_NAMESPACE)/nginx-config
          - -default-server-tls-secret=$(POD_NAMESPACE)/default-server-secret
         #- -v=3 # Enables extensive logging. Useful for troubleshooting.
         #- -report-ingress-status
         #- -external-service=nginx-ingress
         #- -enable-leader-election

We apply the above configuration:

# kubectl apply -f deployments/daemon-set/nginx-ingress.yaml
daemonset.extensions/nginx-ingress created

This should create a POD for each node:

# kubectl get nodes
NAME                STATUS   ROLES    AGE   VERSION
centos-2gb-nbg1-1   Ready    master   40d   v1.12.2
node1               Ready    <none>   31d   v1.12.3

# kubectl get pods -n nginx-ingress
NAME                  READY   STATUS             RESTARTS   AGE
nginx-ingress-dppnh   0/1     CrashLoopBackOff   4          2m14s
nginx-ingress-pcr5w   0/1     CrashLoopBackOff   4          2m14s

But why do we see a CrashLoopBackOff status? This was because I had forgotten to apply the config map in step 4. The troubleshooting session is recorded in the appendix below. In your case, the output should look similar as in my case after resolving the problem:

# kubectl get pod -n nginx-ingress
NAME                  READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
nginx-ingress-jfc78   1/1     Running   7          20m
nginx-ingress-pcr5w   1/1     Running   255        21h

Step 7: Create an HTTP Application

As a test of the ingress controller, let us create and expose an HTTP hello world application to be reached via the ingress controller:

kubectl create deployment nginx-demo --image=nginxdemos/hello
# output: 'deployment.apps/nginx-demo created'

kubectl expose deployment nginx-demo --port=80
# output: 'service/nginx-demo exposed'

With the next command, we create an entry in the ingress controller:

cat <<EOF | kubectl apply -f -
apiVersion: extensions/v1beta1
kind: Ingress
  name: nginx-demo
    - host:
          - backend:
             serviceName: nginx-demo
             servicePort: 80

This should produce an output as follows:

ingress.extensions/nginx-demo created

After having added an entry in the /etc/hosts file for the domain, we can access the service locally:

# cat /etc/hosts | grep "" || echo "" >> /etc/hosts
# curl
<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>Hello World</title>

Also from a browser the Internet, the service can be reached, if we add the same entry to the ‚hosts‘ file (e.g. on Windows: copy C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc\hosts to the desktop, add „“ as the last line, and copy it back to the original path. Confirm the action as Administrator, if you are asked to do so).

Example service reached from the Internet


Interestingly, but not fully unexpected, the HTTPS counterpart is showing a 404 Not Found message:

404 Not Found on HTTPS

Step 8: Create an HTTPS Application

In step 3, we already have encapsulated a certificate into a secret. Therefore, it should be easy to use it for converting our HTTP application to an HTTPS application. However, the existing secret can be used only in the namespace it has been created for, i.e. the nginx-ingress namespace.

Why not copying the existing default Secret?

We could  transfer the existing generic secret of type ‚Opaque‘ from the nginx-ingress namespace to the current namespace (see this StackOverflow answer):

kubectl get secret default-server-secret --namespace=nginx-ingress --export -o yaml \
   | sed 's/default-server-secret/example-com-tls2/g' \
   | kubectl apply --namespace=default -f -
# output: secret/example-com-tls2 created

Here, we have inserted an SED command to change the name.

However, we have seen later that this kind of certificates does not seem to work: we have received an ERR_SSL_VERSION_OR_CIPHER_MISMATCH error:

ERR_SSL_VERSION_OR_CIPHER_MISMATCH when re-using the generic Opaque Secret instead of a TLS secret

So, it is better to create a new secret from scratch as in alternative B

Step 8.1: Create new Secret

Alternatively, we can create a new TLS secret by entering the directory containing the self-signed certificate and key:

cd ../example-com-tls/
kubectl create secret tls example-com-tls --cert=tls_self.crt --key=tls_self.key
# output: secret/example-com-tls created

We now update the configuration of the ingress controller as follows:

cat <<EOF | kubectl apply -f -
apiVersion: extensions/v1beta1
kind: Ingress
  name: nginx-demo
    - secretName: example-com-tls
    - host:
          - backend:
             serviceName: nginx-demo
             servicePort: 80

# output: ingress.extensions/nginx-demo configured

Now we can see that is redirected to the location

# cat /etc/hosts | grep "" || echo "" >> /etc/hosts
# curl -D -
HTTP/1.1 301 Moved Permanently
Server: nginx/1.15.7
Date: Wed, 02 Jan 2019 08:00:17 GMT
Content-Type: text/html
Content-Length: 169
Connection: keep-alive

<head><title>301 Moved Permanently</title></head>
<center><h1>301 Moved Permanently</h1></center>

In the first line above, we have made sure that the system knows, how to resolve to an IP address.

Also, a browser on the Internet will be redirected from HTTP to HTTPS:


After accepting to show insecure content (because we had used a self-signed certificate), we can see that the hello world application is redirected to https. It tells us that this is not a secure connection since the self-signed certificate is not trusted. We click on „extended“ options (sorry, screenshots are in German):

Security alert when accessing a site with self-signed certificate that is not marked as trusted

Then we click on „Goto (insecure)“:

Accepting to use a insecure self-signed certificate

And we reach the HTTPS-secured version of our hello world application:

Hello world app after being redirected to HTTPS


Find the summary after the Appendix…

Appendix: Troubleshoot a failing POD

Finding the cause of the problem

# kubectl get pod nginx-ingress-dppnh -n nginx-ingress -o yaml
  - containerID: docker://0f522f0726f1df0fdcc6b88527ccac3bf89f1f128f91f3d9e615204465aad086
    image: nginx/nginx-ingress:edge
    imageID: docker-pullable://nginx/nginx-ingress@sha256:d3e8f01012c4c03e27a70dd70bb70e63b71b3e43f1140e40fd992ffbeeb73172
        containerID: docker://0f522f0726f1df0fdcc6b88527ccac3bf89f1f128f91f3d9e615204465aad086
        exitCode: 255
        finishedAt: 2019-01-01T13:23:23Z
        reason: Error
        startedAt: 2019-01-01T13:23:23Z
    name: nginx-ingress
    ready: false
    restartCount: 245
        message: Back-off 5m0s restarting failed container=nginx-ingress pod=nginx-ingress-dppnh_nginx-ingress(0a04826e-0d1c-11e9-a13e-9600001441cb)
        reason: CrashLoopBackOff

Unfortunately, we do not see any terminating message.

This time, I have found out the problem only by looking at the logs of the terminating docker containers:

# docker ps -a | head -n 2
CONTAINER ID        IMAGE                   COMMAND                  CREATED             STATUS                       PORTS               NAMES
799fab7938bb        nginx/nginx-ingress     "/nginx-ingress -ngi…"   5 minutes ago       Exited (255) 4 minutes ago                       k8s_nginx-ingress_nginx-ingress-pcr5w_nginx-ingress_0a0366f9-0d1c-11e9-a13e-9600001441cb_246

Now we can see the log of the most recent failed container as follows:

# CONTAINER_ID=$(docker ps -a | head -n 2 | grep -v '^CONTAINER' | awk '{print $1}') && docker logs $CONTAINER_ID
I0101 13:33:09.512743       1 main.go:118] Starting NGINX Ingress controller Version=edge GitCommit=35f18749
F0101 13:33:09.536820       1 main.go:201] Error when getting nginx-ingress/nginx-config: configmaps "nginx-config" not found

Okay, we now have found out the reason: I had forgotten to apply the config map in step 4. But what I ask myself: why was there no possibility to retrieve the log with kubectl? Let us try to improve the logs before we fix the root of the problem.

Improving the Kubernetes Log

On Determine the Reason for Pod Failure – Kubernetes, we find a hint that the default terminationMessagePolicy is ‚File‘, but we can test to set it to ‚FallbackToLogsOnError‘ for the PODs:

# cat deployments/daemon-set/nginx-ingress.yaml
apiVersion: extensions/v1beta1
kind: DaemonSet
  name: nginx-ingress
  namespace: nginx-ingress
      app: nginx-ingress
        app: nginx-ingress
      serviceAccountName: nginx-ingress
      - image: nginx/nginx-ingress:edge
        imagePullPolicy: Always
        name: nginx-ingress
        - name: http
          containerPort: 80
          hostPort: 80
        - name: https
          containerPort: 443
          hostPort: 443
        terminationMessagePolicy: FallbackToLogsOnError
        - name: POD_NAMESPACE
              fieldPath: metadata.namespace
        - name: POD_NAME
          - -nginx-configmaps=$(POD_NAMESPACE)/nginx-config
          - -default-server-tls-secret=$(POD_NAMESPACE)/default-server-secret
         #- -v=3 # Enables extensive logging. Useful for trooublshooting.
         #- -report-ingress-status
         #- -external-service=nginx-ingress
         #- -enable-leader-election

We apply the new configuration:

# kubectl apply -f deployments/daemon-set/nginx-ingress.yaml
daemonset.extensions/nginx-ingress configured

This should not prevent the POD from crashing, but it should help us to retrieve the log via kubectl. However a ‚kubectl get pod‘ command had revealed that the POD was not changed at all:

# kubectl get pod -n nginx-ingress
NAME                  READY   STATUS             RESTARTS   AGE
nginx-ingress-dppnh   0/1     CrashLoopBackOff   252        21h
nginx-ingress-pcr5w   0/1     CrashLoopBackOff   252        21h

Also, the detailed output did not reveal any terminating message:

kubectl get pod -n nginx-ingress -o yaml | less
...(no changed output)...

Let us try to kill the old POD:

# kubectl get pod -n nginx-ingress
NAME                  READY   STATUS             RESTARTS   AGE
nginx-ingress-dppnh   0/1     CrashLoopBackOff   252        21h
nginx-ingress-pcr5w   0/1     CrashLoopBackOff   252        21h
[root@centos-2gb-nbg1-1 kubernetes-ingress]# kubectl delete pod -n nginx-ingress nginx-ingress-dppnh
pod "nginx-ingress-dppnh" deleted
[root@centos-2gb-nbg1-1 kubernetes-ingress]# kubectl get pod -n nginx-ingress
NAME                  READY   STATUS             RESTARTS   AGE
nginx-ingress-jfc78   1/1     Running            0          4s
nginx-ingress-pcr5w   0/1     CrashLoopBackOff   252        21h

#(waiting some minutes)
# kubectl get pod -n nginx-ingress
NAME                  READY   STATUS             RESTARTS   AGE
nginx-ingress-jfc78   0/1     CrashLoopBackOff   2          39s
nginx-ingress-pcr5w   0/1     CrashLoopBackOff   252        21h

The POD has restarted. Now, the terminating message can be retrieved:

# kubectl get pod nginx-ingress-jfc78 -n nginx-ingress -o yaml
  - containerID: docker://5d4bc8ac271a44a37f44a91ef814bc066e6141b9a1a95774088611e0d267e6c9
    image: nginx/nginx-ingress:edge
    imageID: docker-pullable://nginx/nginx-ingress@sha256:d3e8f01012c4c03e27a70dd70bb70e63b71b3e43f1140e40fd992ffbeeb73172
        containerID: docker://5d4bc8ac271a44a37f44a91ef814bc066e6141b9a1a95774088611e0d267e6c9
        exitCode: 255
        finishedAt: 2019-01-01T14:05:22Z
        message: |
          I0101 14:05:22.104953       1 main.go:118] Starting NGINX Ingress controller Version=edge GitCommit=35f18749
          F0101 14:05:22.138206       1 main.go:201] Error when getting nginx-ingress/nginx-config: configmaps "nginx-config" not found
        reason: Error
        startedAt: 2019-01-01T14:05:22Z

Resolving the Problem

Now is the time to resolve the problem: let us create the missing config:

# kubectl apply -f deployments/common/nginx-config.yaml
configmap/nginx-config created

# kubectl get pod -n nginx-ingress
NAME                  READY   STATUS             RESTARTS   AGE
nginx-ingress-jfc78   0/1     CrashLoopBackOff   6          7m36s
nginx-ingress-pcr5w   0/1     CrashLoopBackOff   254        21h

...(waiting some minutes)...

# kubectl get pod -n nginx-ingress
NAME                  READY   STATUS             RESTARTS   AGE
nginx-ingress-jfc78   1/1     Running            7          11m
nginx-ingress-pcr5w   0/1     CrashLoopBackOff   254        21h

We can see that the first of two ingress controllers is running fine now. The next one is waiting for the next restart. After waiting some more minutes, we can see that the PODs recover without the need of deleting the PODs manually:

# kubectl get pod -n nginx-ingress
NAME                  READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
nginx-ingress-jfc78   1/1     Running   7          13m
nginx-ingress-pcr5w   1/1     Running   255        21h



In this blog post, we have installed an ingress controller to a Kubernets multi-node cluster. Once we have installed the controller and installed a self-signed certificate, we have tested the installation with a hello world application on HTTP and HTTPS.

In the end, we have reached an architecture as shown below:

HTTPS access via Kubernetes Ingress Controller on a two Node Cluster

An ingress controller is running on each node of the kubernetes cluster since we have installed it as a daemon set. The web browser is choosing one of the ingress controllers by means of DNS (in our case: /etc/hosts file).

The ingress controller redirects HTTP requests to HTTPS. The controller translates HTTPS connections back to HTTP before it forwards the connection to the kubernetes service. The service, in turn, forwards the connection to a running POD. If more than one PODs are available, it distributes the connections among all available PODs in a round-robin fashion.

From point of view of the user, this is just an HTTPS-secured connection to the application. That the application on a cluster is transparent to the user.


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