In this little article, we show how to install NPM on Windows using Chocolatey, which is a Linux-like packet manager like apt-get, yum & Co. Step 0: Decision: why not using VS Code or WebStorm in your Browser? The quickest…
Jest@Angular – Replacing Karma by Jest
Improve Angular unit test performance and learn how to replace Karma by Jest right after creating a new project with Angular CLI.
CKA Labs (17): Kubernetes Readiness and Liveness Probes
In this article, we will learn how Kubernetes Liveness Probes and Kubernetes Readiness Probes help us improve the continuity and availability of Kubernetes Services. For that, we will learn how Kubernetes uses probes to decide, whether an application is up…
CKA Labs (18): Kubernetes Metrics Server for CPU and Memory Monitoring
Install and explore the Kubernetes Metrics Server in a hands-on lab. View the CPU and Memory consumption of cluster nodes, applications, and containers.