66 comments on “Kubernetes Task: assign a POD to a Node via Node Affinity – Cheat Sheet”

Kubernetes Task: assign a POD to a Node via Node Affinity – Cheat Sheet

Here, we show as shortly as possible how we can place a POD on the controlplane node on killerkoda CKA playground: Task: place a POD on the controlplane POD using Affinity Find documentation: kubernetes.io --> Documentation --> Search "affinity" -->…

75 comments on “Kubernetes etcd backup and restore – cheat sheet”

Kubernetes etcd backup and restore – cheat sheet

This is a cheat sheet on how to perform backup&restore of the etcd server in kubernetes quickly. Test this on Killercoda Play with Kubernetes tl;dr Find reference: https://kubernetes.io --> Documentation --> Search "etcd backup restore" --> you will find: Operating etcd…