Today, we will show how to use Checkstyle for improving the style of Java code. First, we will add Checkstyle to Gradle in order to create XML reports for a single build. Jenkins allows us to visualize the results of more…
Jenkins Part 4.1: Functional Java Tests via JUnit
You also think that functional tests are one of the most important ingredients for delivering high quality software? You share my opinion that we should help the developer automating this task in order to get comparable results and to receive meaningful trend reports? I…
Jenkins Part 3.1: periodic vs triggered Builds
Today, we will make sure that Jenkins will detect a code change in the software repository without manual intervention. We will show two methods to do so: Periodic Builds via Schedulers: Jenkins periodically asks the software repository for any code changes…
Jenkins Part 2: automated Code Download and Build (Gradle + Maven)
NEW (2017-01-02): you now can immediately start with part 2 (this post) without going through the steps of part 1. A corresponding pre-installed Docker image is provided. NEW (2017-01-05): I have added the Maven build path with a fat executable…
Jenkins Part 1: Installation the Docker Way
In this blog post, we will deploy and get started with Jenkins, the most popular open source tool for Continuous Integration and Continuous Deployment. As a modern way of installing, we install a Docker host and deploy a Jenkins Docker…