Today, we will introduce Kibana, a data visualization open source tool. As part of Elastic's ELK stack (now called Elastic stack), Kibana is often used to visualize logging statistics and for management of the Elastic Stack. However, in this Tutorial, we…
Elasticsearch „Hello World“ Example – Part 2 of the ELK Stack Series
In the last blog post, we have explored Logstash, a tool for collecting and transform log data from many different input sources. Today, we will explore Elasticsearch, a scheme-less noSQL database with a versatile ("elastic") search engine. We will perform…
Logstash „Hello World“ Example – Part 1 of the ELK Stack Series
Today, we will first introduce Logstash, an open source project created by Elastic, before we perform a little Logstash "Hello World": we will show how to read data from command line or from file, transform the data and send it back to…