Install a Docker Cluster in less than 10 Minutes

This blog shows, how a Docker CoreOS cluster can be set up in ~10 minutes (dependent on your Internet speed), excluding the time to install Vagrant, Virtualbox and git.


In order to speed up the installation process of a CoreOS cluster, I have created a fork of the coreos-vagrant git repository. With that repository fork, a CoreOS cluster with 3 cluster nodes can be up and running and discovered in less than 10 minutes, if the prerequisites are met.


  • Vagrant, Virtualbox and git are assumed to be installed.
  • Unix tools like dos2unix is assumed to be installed, but any tool to convert the files is possible.

The procedure is tested on Windows, but should work on Linux as well. Please report any issues on or add a note on this blog.

1. Download Vagrant file like follows:
a) specify the HTTP proxy, if needed
(adapt IP address:Port to match your case:; use „export“ instead of „SET“ on Linux systems):

SET HTTP_PROXY=http://<your_proxy_IP>:<your_proxy_port>
SET HTTPS_PROXY=http://<your_proxy_IP>:<your_proxy_port>

b) download the Vagrant file

git clone
cd coreos-vagrant

c) on Windows, the files must be converted to UNIX format (minimum: must be in UNIX format). If bash is installed on the system, you can do the following (otherwise you might be able to use your editor, e.g. PSPAD, Ultraedit, … to do so):   bash   dos2unix * 

2. Adapt the configuration files

cp user-data.sample user-data

get token from
copy token output to user-data file as:


adapt the Vagrantfile:


(more instances will take longer to boot up and be provisioned)

3. Start cluster:

vagrant up

4. Cluster discovery:
temporarily connect to the Internet, since HTTP proxy is not supported by etcd discovery
check<token> again
–> should show the nodes

etcd discovery output
Public etcd discovery service showing that it has learned about the three nodes

5. Connect to one of the nodes and check cluster health:

vagrant ssh core-01
etcdctl cluster-health

–> should show „healthy“
Oliver Veits

fleetctl list-machines

–> should show IP addresses of the nodes




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