In this step-by-step guide, we will show you how to create your first successful e2e Playwright test for an Angular 14 project. Step 0 (optional): Start Cloud Desktop - or use your own environment If you need a development environment,…
[SOLVED] WebStorm@CentOS Bug: Could not initialize class com.intellij.javascript.debugger.console.jcef.JCE
Do you know the following Error message? Error running 'Angular Application' # <- the name of the Debug Profile might be named differently in your case Could not initialize class com.intellij.javascript.debugger.console.jcef.JCE This happened to us on our WebStorm Cloud Desktop…
Hello ngrx/store @ Angular 13
This Angular ngrx/store tutorial will guide you through the steps of creating a hello world program using ngrx/store. After a brief motivation paragraph, we will learn how to use actions and reducers to manipulate stored states. A few unit tests…
Hello Java Hipster: Angular 8 and Spring Boot 2.1 with Cassandra 3.11 running in Docker
Two and a half years ago, we have shown in this blog post how JHipster a.k.a. Java Hipster can be used to auto-generate Angular 4 and Spring Boot code. Now, we will revisit the Hello World with newer versions Angular…
Install NPM using Chocolatey on Windows
In this little article, we show how to install NPM on Windows using Chocolatey, which is a Linux-like packet manager like apt-get, yum & Co. Step 0: Decision: why not using VS Code or WebStorm in your Browser? The quickest…
Jest@Angular – Replacing Karma by Jest
Improve Angular unit test performance and learn how to replace Karma by Jest right after creating a new project with Angular CLI.