6 comments on “Ansible Templating – A Hello World”

Ansible Templating – A Hello World

This entry is part [part not set] of 1 in the series Ansible

This post is a continuation of my previous  post, where we have gone through a little "Hello World" example using Ansible, an IT automation tool. Last time we had performed SSH remote shell commands. This time, we will go though a little…

21 comments on “Ansible Hello World – Ansible vs. Salt vs. Chef vs. Puppet”

Ansible Hello World – Ansible vs. Salt vs. Chef vs. Puppet

This entry is part [part not set] of 3 in the series The Ansible & Salt Series

This is part 1 of a little Ansible Hello World example, an IT automation tool. The post has the following content: Comparison of the popularity of Ansible, Salt, Chef, and Puppet Installation of Ansible based on Docker Simple Example Playbooks (i.e.…

3 comments on “Java Build Automation Part 1: Create lean executable jar using Maven”

Java Build Automation Part 1: Create lean executable jar using Maven

Have you ever tried to create an executable jar file, while keeping all configuration files outside of the jar file, accessible to operations folks? Here is a step by step guide. JAR files are java archive files and as such, are not…