2 comments on “Consuming a REST Service with Angular 6: a Step-by-step Guide”

Consuming a REST Service with Angular 6: a Step-by-step Guide

REDIRECTED to https://vocon-it.com/2017/06/24/consuming-a-restful-web-service-with-angular/ Angular 6 is available, so it is time to update my original post about how to consume an Angular REST API service in Angular.  We will learn how to implement a fully functional rest service in a single…

3 comments on “Mesos and Marathon REST API via cURL — A Hello World Example”

Mesos and Marathon REST API via cURL — A Hello World Example

In this hello-world style blog post, we will learn how to create load balanced Docker services in an open source DC/OS & Mesos environment. For that, we will perform Mesos and Marathon REST API calls using simple cURL commands. First, we will…

9 comments on “Angular Universal Docker Example (Angular 4 Universal CLI)”

Angular Universal Docker Example (Angular 4 Universal CLI)

In this previous blog post, I have shown how to dockerize an Angular CLI application using NginX. However, the shown method has worked only for classical, client-side rendered Angular projects. In the current post, we will show an Angular Universal…

38 comments on “Angular Universal CLI – Step-by-Step Example with REST Client”

Angular Universal CLI – Step-by-Step Example with REST Client

This time we will learn how to create a small Angular Universal CLI project that is using the WordPress REST service to retrieve and display the title and content of a WordPress blog post. Angular Universal CLI combines the Universal…

2 comments on “Behavior-Driven Angular – Part 2: Inserting REST Data as „innerHTML“ into a Web Application”

Behavior-Driven Angular – Part 2: Inserting REST Data as „innerHTML“ into a Web Application

Today, we will extend the behavior-driven development example of the previous blog post and add the blog content to the document. Like last time, we will retrieve the HTML content from the WordPress API. Sounds easy, right? We will see that…

6 comments on “Angular 4 Docker Example – for Angular CLI projects”

Angular 4 Docker Example – for Angular CLI projects

Check out a new Angular 4 Docker Example that has also been tested with Angular 6 here. In this Hello-World-like tutorial, we will show how to run Angular 4 applications that have been created with Angular CLI in a Docker container.…

6 comments on “Behavior-Driven Angular – part 1: Consuming a RESTful Web Service with Angular 4”

Behavior-Driven Angular – part 1: Consuming a RESTful Web Service with Angular 4

In this step-by-step tutorial, we will follow a behavior-driven development approach to create an Angular 4 application from Angular CLI. The hello-world-like application will consume the WordPress REST API and it will display a blog post title. We will create…

1 comment on “JHipster: Exploring and Improving the Spring Boot REST API”

JHipster: Exploring and Improving the Spring Boot REST API

In our last blog post, we have created a simple blog application using JHipster, which is a Yeoman based code generator for Angular and Spring Boot. This time, we will explore and improve the Spring Boot REST API that is generated…

3 comments on “Hello Java Hipster: Angular 4 and Spring Boot”

Hello Java Hipster: Angular 4 and Spring Boot

In this blog post, Java Hipster will help us creating a mini blog application based on Angular 4 and Spring Boot. Angular is a popular framework for creating reactive single page applications, while Spring Boot is a robust java-based backend framework…

3 comments on “Angular 4: Automatic Table of Contents – Part 2: Adding Links”

Angular 4: Automatic Table of Contents – Part 2: Adding Links

In this short blog post, we will learn how to enrich the table of contents (we had added in the previous blog post) with links to the corresponding headline. The end result will look similar to the following picture and…