In this blog post, we will explore, how to get started with Docker Cloud, a Docker orchestration cloud service that helps deploying and managing Docker hosts clusters and Docker containers running on those host clusters. Background Since Docker has acquired Tutum…
Running GUI apps with Docker for remote Access
In this blog post, we will explore how to start and access a Linux Docker image with a graphical desktop and access it remotely using VNC. In the course of the blog post, we will search for an appropriate Docker…
Salt Hello World
This a simple Salt Hello World similar to the Ansible Hello World in part 1 of this series. In each step, we will discuss the likeliness and differences between Salt and Ansible. This post is (almost) self-contained, and there is no…
Ansible Templating – A Hello World
This post is a continuation of my previous post, where we have gone through a little "Hello World" example using Ansible, an IT automation tool. Last time we had performed SSH remote shell commands. This time, we will go though a little…
Ansible Hello World – Ansible vs. Salt vs. Chef vs. Puppet
This is part 1 of a little Ansible Hello World example, an IT automation tool. The post has the following content: Comparison of the popularity of Ansible, Salt, Chef, and Puppet Installation of Ansible based on Docker Simple Example Playbooks (i.e.…
Docker Java Performance Tests
In this blog we will show the surprising result that Docker on Ubuntu seems to outperform Docker on CoreOS by ~30%, when tested with a java templating web service. But first let us discuss the reason on why I have started the…
Source Code to Docker Image — automated Build
What, if you could release and deploy fully tested and bullet-proof software on a day by day basis? Isn't this a huge effort for hobby developers like me? Even for hobby developers, Docker and its ecosystem promises an easy way to…
What is Docker? An Introduction into Container Technology.
Short Introduction into container technologies and reasons, why I have chosen to start proof of concepts with Docker and no other container technology.
Docker Performance Tests for Ruby on Rails
In a series of performance tests, we could show that a (Rails) web application has 50% higher performance on docker (installed on Windows/boot2docker) than the same application run natively on Windows, no matter whether or not the database and program code is located on a shared volume. However, if such a shared volume is auto-mounted to one of the Windows C:\Users folders, the performance drops by a factor of almost ten.
Docker CoreOS Cluster in less than 10 Minutes
Install a Docker Cluster in less than 10 Minutes This blog shows, how a Docker CoreOS cluster can be set up in ~10 minutes (dependent on your Internet speed), excluding the time to install Vagrant, Virtualbox and git. In order…
Docker CoreOS Cluster Failover Test in less than 15 Minutes
In this post, I will explore services failover scenarios for docker containers on CoreOS clusters using fleet. A container-based service will be defined and started, and we will explore the service recovery after a failure of one or all cluster nodes (e.g.…
Container Orchestration with Kubernetes
This blog post shows a quick way how to install Kubernetes, a Docker orchestration framework published by Google, as a set of Docker containers. With that you can circumvent the hassle you may run into while trying to install Kubernetes natively.…