6 comments on “Ansible Templating – A Hello World”

Ansible Templating – A Hello World

This entry is part [part not set] of 1 in the series Ansible

This post is a continuation of my previous  post, where we have gone through a little "Hello World" example using Ansible, an IT automation tool. Last time we had performed SSH remote shell commands. This time, we will go though a little…

22 comments on “Ansible Hello World – Ansible vs. Salt vs. Chef vs. Puppet”

Ansible Hello World – Ansible vs. Salt vs. Chef vs. Puppet

This entry is part [part not set] of 3 in the series The Ansible & Salt Series

This is part 1 of a little Ansible Hello World example, an IT automation tool. The post has the following content: Comparison of the popularity of Ansible, Salt, Chef, and Puppet Installation of Ansible based on Docker Simple Example Playbooks (i.e.…

3 comments on “Docker Performance Tests for Ruby on Rails”

Docker Performance Tests for Ruby on Rails

In a series of performance tests, we could show that a (Rails) web application has 50% higher performance on docker (installed on Windows/boot2docker) than the same application run natively on Windows, no matter whether or not the database and program code is located on a shared volume. However, if such a shared volume is auto-mounted to one of the Windows C:\Users folders, the performance drops by a factor of almost ten.

7 comments on “Docker CoreOS Cluster Failover Test in less than 15 Minutes”

Docker CoreOS Cluster Failover Test in less than 15 Minutes

In this post, I will explore services failover scenarios for docker containers on CoreOS clusters using fleet. A container-based service will be defined and started, and we will explore the service recovery after a failure of one or all cluster nodes (e.g.…