4 comments on “Jenkins (6): BrowserStack Integration – Automated Cross Browser Testing”

Jenkins (6): BrowserStack Integration – Automated Cross Browser Testing

With the BrowserStack cloud-based solution, there is no need to buy many different hardware types for testing your website for many different mobile devices and operating systems. In this blog post about Jenkins BrowserStack Integration, we will learn how to integrate BrowserStack-based automated…

5 comments on “Testing any Browser on any Hardware using BrowserStack – A Protractor Cross Browser Testing Example”

Testing any Browser on any Hardware using BrowserStack – A Protractor Cross Browser Testing Example

This time we will learn how to test any web site (including your front end software) using many different Internet browsers by integrating a cloud-based cross browser test solution named BrowserStack. We will perform Protractor tests for AngularJS using the…

2 comments on “Jenkins Part 4.3: Performance Tests via JMeter”

Jenkins Part 4.3: Performance Tests via JMeter

Today, we will learn how to automatically create performance trend analysis reports like the following using Jenkins and JMeter: First, we will use Apache JMeter's graphical user interface on the developer's PC to create a test plan, before we integrate JMeter…