0 comments on “Jenkins Part 3.2: Trigger a downstream Job or Workflow with Hand-over of Parameters”

Jenkins Part 3.2: Trigger a downstream Job or Workflow with Hand-over of Parameters

This blog post will lead you through the steps how to trigger a downstream Freestyle job or Pipeline workflow from an upstream Freestyle project. We will also show how to pass a parameter from Freestyle project to the downstream workflow…

2 comments on “Jenkins (6): BrowserStack Integration – Automated Cross Browser Testing”

Jenkins (6): BrowserStack Integration – Automated Cross Browser Testing

With the BrowserStack cloud-based solution, there is no need to buy many different hardware types for testing your website for many different mobile devices and operating systems. In this blog post about Jenkins BrowserStack Integration, we will learn how to integrate BrowserStack-based automated…

2 comments on “Testing any Browser on any Hardware using BrowserStack – A Protractor Cross Browser Testing Example”

Testing any Browser on any Hardware using BrowserStack – A Protractor Cross Browser Testing Example

This time we will learn how to test any web site (including your front end software) using many different Internet browsers by integrating a cloud-based cross browser test solution named BrowserStack. We will perform Protractor tests for AngularJS using the…

0 comments on “Jenkins Part 5.1: Using the Job DSL for automatic Creation of Jenkins Jobs”

Jenkins Part 5.1: Using the Job DSL for automatic Creation of Jenkins Jobs

Today, we will learn how to use the Jenkins Job DSL Plugin to create new Jenkins jobs at a push of a button. We will show how we can use Groovy scripts for defining a "Hello World" Jenkins freestyle project and…

6 comments on “Ansible Tower – a Hello World Example”

Ansible Tower – a Hello World Example

This entry is part [part not set] of 3 in the series The Ansible & Salt Series

This is part IV of a little "Hello World" example for Ansible, an IT automation (DevOps) tool. This time, we will get acquainted with Ansible Tower, a web front end for Ansible. The post has following content: Quickest way of "installing" an Ansible Tower…

4 comments on “Ansible Templating – A Hello World”

Ansible Templating – A Hello World

This entry is part [part not set] of 1 in the series Ansible

This post is a continuation of my previous  post, where we have gone through a little "Hello World" example using Ansible, an IT automation tool. Last time we had performed SSH remote shell commands. This time, we will go though a little…

20 comments on “Ansible Hello World – Ansible vs. Salt vs. Chef vs. Puppet”

Ansible Hello World – Ansible vs. Salt vs. Chef vs. Puppet

This entry is part [part not set] of 3 in the series The Ansible & Salt Series

This is part 1 of a little Ansible Hello World example, an IT automation tool. The post has the following content: Comparison of the popularity of Ansible, Salt, Chef, and Puppet Installation of Ansible based on Docker Simple Example Playbooks (i.e.…