6 comments on “Avoid Docker created Files with wrong Permissions (Maven example)”

Avoid Docker created Files with wrong Permissions (Maven example)

This article helps you running Docker containers without polluting your filesystem with files owned by root. Most Docker images you find on Docker hub are designed to run as root inside the container. This can lead to your file system…

3 comments on “Hello Java Hipster: Angular 8 and Spring Boot 2.1 with Cassandra 3.11 running in Docker”

Hello Java Hipster: Angular 8 and Spring Boot 2.1 with Cassandra 3.11 running in Docker

Two and a half years ago, we have shown in this blog post how JHipster a.k.a. Java Hipster can be used to auto-generate Angular 4 and Spring Boot code. Now, we will revisit the Hello World with newer versions Angular…

3 comments on “CKA Labs (17): Kubernetes Readiness and Liveness Probes”

CKA Labs (17): Kubernetes Readiness and Liveness Probes

In this article,  we will learn how Kubernetes Liveness Probes and Kubernetes Readiness Probes help us improve the continuity and availability of Kubernetes Services. For that, we will learn how Kubernetes uses probes to decide, whether an application is up…

6 comments on “CKA Labs (8) — Kubernetes ReplicaSets”

CKA Labs (8) — Kubernetes ReplicaSets

In this lab, we will have a closer look at Kubernetes Replicasets. First, we will learn how ReplicaSets control, how many POD replicas are up and running at any time. We will learn, how ReplicaSets and PODs are connected: via labels. We will show that manually creating PODs with matching labels can have weird cuckoo's eggs effects. Moreover, a POD can be detached from a ReplicaSet without stopping it by manipulating its label.