4 comments on “Rails Active Admin: from config File to Admin Portal”

Rails Active Admin: from config File to Admin Portal

This blog post is a continuation of part 1 that had focused on the the installation process of Active Admin. In the current post, we show how Active Admin can be used to migrate from a configuration file based approach by an admin portal based…

5 comments on “Rails Active Admin Installation Experiences / HowTo”

Rails Active Admin Installation Experiences / HowTo

In this post, I have recorded my experiences with ActiveAdmin, a Rails Engine that has following goals (copied from their readme file): Enable developers to quickly create good-looking administration interfaces. Build a DSL for developers and an interface for businesses. Ensure…

2 comments on “Upgrading Rails to 4.2.x and Ruby to 2.2.x — an end to end Example”

Upgrading Rails to 4.2.x and Ruby to 2.2.x — an end to end Example

In this post, I have recorded my experiences when upgrading my hobby Web Application, a ProvisioningEngine front end from Rails 4.1.x to Rails 4.2.x and ruby from 2.1.x to 2.2.x. The upgrade went relatively smoothly, apart from an additional gem…

15 comments on “CCIE Written HowTo — where to get the Questions from (also for MCSE and others)”

CCIE Written HowTo — where to get the Questions from (also for MCSE and others)

Every two years, I need to re-certify for the Cisco Certified Internetworking Expert certification (CCIE). This time I intend to post my findings on this blog. I intend to describe where to get Example Questions from and how to read them (works for…

6 comments on “Ansible Templating – A Hello World”

Ansible Templating – A Hello World

This entry is part [part not set] of 1 in the series Ansible

This post is a continuation of my previous  post, where we have gone through a little "Hello World" example using Ansible, an IT automation tool. Last time we had performed SSH remote shell commands. This time, we will go though a little…

21 comments on “Ansible Hello World – Ansible vs. Salt vs. Chef vs. Puppet”

Ansible Hello World – Ansible vs. Salt vs. Chef vs. Puppet

This entry is part [part not set] of 3 in the series The Ansible & Salt Series

This is part 1 of a little Ansible Hello World example, an IT automation tool. The post has the following content: Comparison of the popularity of Ansible, Salt, Chef, and Puppet Installation of Ansible based on Docker Simple Example Playbooks (i.e.…

3 comments on “Java Build Automation Part 1: Create lean executable jar using Maven”

Java Build Automation Part 1: Create lean executable jar using Maven

Have you ever tried to create an executable jar file, while keeping all configuration files outside of the jar file, accessible to operations folks? Here is a step by step guide. JAR files are java archive files and as such, are not…

3 comments on “Docker Performance Tests for Ruby on Rails”

Docker Performance Tests for Ruby on Rails

In a series of performance tests, we could show that a (Rails) web application has 50% higher performance on docker (installed on Windows/boot2docker) than the same application run natively on Windows, no matter whether or not the database and program code is located on a shared volume. However, if such a shared volume is auto-mounted to one of the Windows C:\Users folders, the performance drops by a factor of almost ten.

6 comments on “Docker CoreOS Cluster Failover Test in less than 15 Minutes”

Docker CoreOS Cluster Failover Test in less than 15 Minutes

In this post, I will explore services failover scenarios for docker containers on CoreOS clusters using fleet. A container-based service will be defined and started, and we will explore the service recovery after a failure of one or all cluster nodes (e.g.…