3 comments on “Decision-Making in Self-Management Organizations Using Systemic Consensus”

Decision-Making in Self-Management Organizations Using Systemic Consensus

Frederic Laloux writes in his amazing, world-changing, and ground-breaking book “Reinventing Organizations” that self-management works without consensus. “It is worth repeating that these decision-making processes work without consensus.” He continues that “for some reason, many people naturally assume that in…

3 comments on “The Big Picture – The Overarching Change of Mankind”

The Big Picture – The Overarching Change of Mankind

There are groups of people researching different topics, each one in its own finite space, rarely looking beyond their own subject, but all related to the overarching change we are currently going through. There are people talking about modern, agile…

2 comments on “Companies that Mimic Life Inherently Apply Management 3.0 and Belong to the Most Successful Companies”

Companies that Mimic Life Inherently Apply Management 3.0 and Belong to the Most Successful Companies

Consider the following seven companies: - Unilever – a producer of household goods - Nucor – a global steel producer - United Technologies – a manufacturer of capital goods - Novo Nordisk – a player in the global pharmaceutical industry…